Basically I was experimenting something with my local repo and I was quite disappointed when I couldn't upload images I built to my locally running repo. I just couldn't get passed this error:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 | $ docker push $(docker-machine ip default):5000 /test :0.1 The push refers to a repository [ /test ] unable to ping registry endpoint https: //192 .168.99.100:5000 /v0/ v2 ping attempt failed with error: Get https: //192 .168.99.100:5000 /v2/ : tls: oversized record received with length 20527 v1 ping attempt failed with error: Get https: //192 .168.99.100:5000 /v1/_ping : tls: oversized record received with length 20527 |
Start a registry in the first machine
1 2 3 4 5 | $ docker-machine start default $ eval $(docker-machine env default) $ echo $(docker-machine ip default) $docker run -d -p 5000:5000 registry:2 |
Start another machine that allows insecure registry
Simply open a new tab in your terminal and start a new machine with this command:
1 2 | $ docker-machine create --driver=virtualbox \ --engine-insecure-registry dev |
1 | $ eval $(docker-machine env dev) |
Build and tag your image and push it to your local repo (second tab)
Build your image the usual way. Tag it with whatever you think is suitable. And push your image to the repository.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 | $ docker build -t msvaljek /test :0.1 . $ docker tag \ msvaljek /test :0.1 $(docker-machine ip default):5000 /test :0.1 $ docker push $(docker-machine ip default):5000 /test :0.1 The push refers to a repository [ /test ] 4e775ea8c828: Pushed d911d0794978: Pushed 9dccf4ea77d4: Pushed 19c45a2a4d46: Pushed e7039e485d0f: Pushed 538e83a54f2a: Pushed 6c77cc0af681: Pushed 90022d1ffd75: Pushed ec0200a19d76: Pushed 338cb8e0e9ed: Pushed d1c800db26c7: Pushed 42755cf4ee95: Pushed 0.1: digest: sha256:52fbaba4af0fd3e949adea1b2386b7e17e2820a b1ac4b2a4e7773863bee5c1e9 size: 2834 |